Crew at The National

by Julia Bradley on February 17, 2007

I work as an Associate Director at CBC Television on the National news and News Specials. I work with a great group of people on a daily basis so I wanted to post a pic of the crew that I work with on the National. That’s me in the back row, 5 people from the left, wearing a white jacket. You might recognize the guy in the suit if you watch CBC…
I had the opportunity to go to Whitehorse in October to work on the Yukon elections. Here are 3 photos from that trip. The picture with the flags is of the set we used as our TV studio. It was located in the legislature building. There’s another pic of me with Rona, the director, and Mark, a producer, as we rehearsed. On our day off, a whole gang of us drove to Skagway, Alaska and got really cool stamps on our passports. The stamps are of a steam train. What beautiful scenery on the drive to Alaska – truly god’s country! Yet no wildlife…

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